Ideas and insights > 5 ways to boost employee engagement over the summer months—because… distractions.

5 ways to boost employee engagement over the summer months—because… distractions.

Our thought leader:

Martha Marchesi
Martha Marchesi

Ah, summer. That time of year when the sun shines brighter, the days are longer, and outdoor activities abound. If it feels like you’re competing for employees’ attention on those picture-perfect days, that’s because you are. According to a Captivate Network study:

Don’t let the sun melt-away your team’s motivation. Keep reading for five proven methods for improving employee engagement and maintaining employee productivity during summer.   

1. Plan outdoor social outings.

Turn up the heat on your company’s social calendar. Organize fun, outdoor team-building events like scavenger hunts, picnics, and hiking—at places your employees would want to go on a day off. These activities double as a source of content for sizzling internal comms. Share photos and highlights in your newsletter and on social, to drive engagement.

2. Lighten the mood with light-hearted content.

Social activities are a good start, but don’t limit your employee-facing content to just that. You can also craft more employee-focused pieces. These could include employee spotlights or quick facts about team members. If you really want to up the engagement, invite a little friendly competition in the form of a recipe contest. Best barbecue side dish wins.

3. Dive into learning opportunities.

The summer months are great for investing in professional development. We recommend offering webinars and online courses to help upskill employees and keep them engaged. Don’t think they want help with honing their skills? Think again. According to a 2022 report by the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM):

4. Make a splash with recognition programs.

Take time to celebrate your employees’ hard work by implementing a recognition program. “Most Valuable Team Player” has more impact than a pat on the back. When employees feel truly appreciated, it motivates them to keep going and inspires other team members along the way.

5. Don’t forget the SPF (Strategic Planning & Feedback).

Longer days are perfect for reevaluating company goals—with the help of your employees. Encourage them to contribute feedback and fresh ideas to strengthen your strategy. You can also use surveys to discover what drives your employees. Oddly enough, summer is the best time to deploy employee engagement surveys. A 2022 Forbes article explains:

There you have it. Our top tactics for maintaining employee productivity during summer. Put those to work and your employees will bring their A-game—even when the beach is calling their name. 

Need help leveling-up employee engagement and productivity? With 37+ years of experience in employee engagement and strategic execution, JK is your partner. Let’s talk.

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